Episode 300: Critiquing George Kamel’s 8-Step Plan for a Successful Retirement (#5 Will Sink You)
This episode addresses the 8-step plan for a successful retirement plan that was recently shared by Dave Ramsey’s “sidekick,” George Kamel. Just like in any field of life, a good financial plan benefits from assessing where you are, where you want to be by a given date, and what needs to be done to get there. David dislikes the approach of painting everything with a broad brush and characterizing niche financial planning principles in broad, one-size-fits-all financial planning terms. That’s what, in his opinion, many so-called “financial gurus” like Dave Rasmey tend to do. David mentions his upcoming book, The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back On Track. George Kamel has found that 8 out of 10 millionaires have reached their millionaire status by investing in their company’s 401k plan. David shares his philosophy: “If you’re in a 24% bracket or lower, opt for the Roth 401k. If you’re in the 32% bracket or higher, stick with the traditi...
Ep 300: Critiquing George Kamel’s 8-Step Plan for a Successful Retirement (#5 Will Sink You)
July 31, 2024
This episode addresses the 8-step plan for a successful retirement plan that was recently shared by Dave Ramsey’s “sidekick,” George Kamel. Just like in any field of life, a good financial plan benefits from assessing where you are, where you want to be by a given date, and what needs to be done to...
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