October 5, 2013 David McKnight
CBO: We only have 10 years

CBO: We only have 10 years

For those of you interested in knowing how much time we have left before taxes HAVE to go up, the Congressional Budget Office has put out this projection (based on conservative estimates) that suggests we have a short 10 years.  This is good news for clients hoping to take advantage of historically low tax rates to rearrange highly taxable assets into tax-free accounts.  It’s bad news for investors and advisors mired down in the tax-deferred paradigm who could watch tax rates on their retirement accounts climb to 50% or higher.  Remember, we’re one of the only industrialized nations who doesn’t already have 50% tax rates.  Pay for the taxes while they’re on sale!  Remember, if you’re in the 0% tax bracket and tax rates double, two times zero is still zero!

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