July 15, 2019 David McKnight
The Power of Zero Ranked #9 Financial Resource by Forbes Magazine

I’m honored to announce that Forbes Magazine just ranked my bestselling book The Power of Zero as the #9 financial resource in the country.  If you’d like to read the article you can do so here.

Also, a few other items:

The Volatility Shield is now available on audible here!

Bulk discounts for The Volatility Shield are now available at thevolatilityshield.com.

If you are a financial advisor, you can watch the Power of Zero documentary for FREE right here. It’s now available to stream on Amazon, Google Play and iTunes! You can also gift a viewing to a client by going to reelhouse.org and select the “gift” option at checkout.

Don’t forget that you can get bulk discounts for The Power of Zero book at thepowerofzerobook.com!

You can also get bulk discounts for Look Before You LIRP at lookbeforeyoulirp.com

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